“mainly music” to commence at Newcastle Cathedral

elephantChrist Church Cathedral is pleased to announce that we will be starting a mainly music group this term. mainly music is a fun group for children aged 0 to 5 years and their parents or carers incorporating action songs and games that help to develop gross and fine motor skills, language and creativity. The cost is $5 per family but your first session is free. 10:00am to 11:30am every Thursday during school term in the Cathedral (St Christopher Chapel) If you are interested please contact Jenny on 49611260 or submit the form below:

Child’s full name (required):
Date of Birth (required) :
Contact person's name (required)
Contact person's email (required)
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Telephone number:
Comments or questions:

If you would like to bring a second or third child enter name(s):
Date of Birth: