7.00am Eucharist
Celebrant & preacher: The Dean
8.00am Eucharist
Celebrant: Fr Mark Watson & preacher: The Dean
9.30am Choral Eucharist ‘Memories’ Dementia Awareness
Celebrant & preacher: The Dean
11.30am Family Eucharist with baptisms
Celebrant & preacher: The Dean
6.00pm Thanksgiving for Creation Service with the blessing of animals
Officiant: The Dean & preacher: Fr Mark Watson
featuring the Cathedral’s St Nicholas Children’s Choir, who will sing Howard Goodall’s ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’ as an anthem and who lead us in the singing of our hymns. Guest speaker Ms Suzanne Maddon from the Delta Society. Delta volunteers and their dogs visit over 500 hospitals, care facilities and schools across Australia every year. Delta is the largest provider of dog therapy in Australia with 13 State Therapy Dog branches and over 800 volunteers.