7.00am Eucharist
Celebrant & preacher: The Dean
8.00am Eucharist
Celebrant: Fr Mark Watson
Preacher: Fr Roger Zohrab
9.30am Orchestral Mass
Celebrant: The Dean
Preacher: Fr Roger Zohrab
Setting: Coronation Mass by Mozart. The Cathedral Choir is joined by musicians from the Camerata.
11.30am Family Eucharist with baptism and first communion
Celebrant & preacher: The Dean
6.00pm Festal Evensong (BCP)
Officiant: The Dean
Preacher: Fr Mark Watson
The Bishop will launch the Choir’s new CD after the conclusion of Evensong. Refreshments will be served. CDs will be available for $15 at the launch, ($20 regular price).