In our Diocese, Back to Church Sunday is on Sunday 19 February. Here is a prayer, written by our BTCS committee, which we ask you to use daily in your devotions. Please pray for us as we prepare…
Heavenly Father,
Bless our activities in promoting Back to Church Sunday on 19 February.
Help us, your community, to pool our labour and talents to find effective ways of reaching out to members of our family or to friends who may no longer attend Church on a regular basis. Inspire us to provide services which communicate the essence of worship here at Christ Church Cathedral.
We pray that we and our church family will be bold in inviting our friends to Back to Church Sunday.
We also pray that all who come to church on that day will be warmly welcomed and blessed with a desire to know you more.
Give us the inspiration and courage to speak to those we know and to invite them to join us; help us to welcome them and help them to grow in their relationship with us and with you.
In the name of Christ. Amen.