Holy Week, Easter and ANZAC Commemoration 2018

SUNDAY 25 March – Passion Sunday of the Palms
7.00am Eucharist

8.00am Eucharist with Liturgy of the Palms

10.00am Choral Eucharist with Liturgy of the Palms

6.00pm Choral Evening Prayer

WEDNESDAY 28 March – Wednesday in Holy Week
Chrism Eucharist
      9.30am Arrival with Tea/Coffee
      10.00am Clergy reflections on Ministry today
      11.00am Tea/Coffee
      11.45am Eucharist
7.00pm Tenebrae Liturgy

THURSDAY 29 March – Maundy Thursday
7.30pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper
and watch of the Passion until 11pm

FRIDAY 30 March – Good Friday
8.00am  Morning Prayer and Litany
10.00am Children’s Service
12noon Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
6.00pm Taizé Service – Prayers around the Cross

SATURDAY 31 March – Holy Saturday
7.00pm Easter Vigil Liturgy with Baptism & Confirmation

SUNDAY 1 April – Easter Sunday
7.00am Eucharist
8.00am Sung Eucharist with Baptism & Confirmation
10.00am Orchestral Eucharist
6.00pm Festal Evensong

SUNDAY 22 April
7.00am Eucharist
8.00am Eucharist
9.30am Eucharist
6.00pm ANZAC Commemoration – Sung Evensong