SUNDAY 20 March – Passion Sunday of the Palms
7.00 am Eucharist
8.00 am Eucharist with liturgy of the Palms
10.00 am Choral Eucharist with Liturgy of the Palms
6.00 pm Choral Evensong
MONDAY 21 March – Monday in Holy Week
7.00 pm Chrism Eucharist
WEDNESDAY 23 March – Wednesday in Holy Week
7.30 pm Tenebrae Liturgy
THURSDAY 24 March – Maundy Thursday
7.30 pm Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper
FRIDAY 25 March – Good Friday
8.00 am Morning Prayer and Litany
10.00 am Children’s Service
12 noon Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
6.00 pm Taize Service
SATURDAY 26 March – Holy Saturday
7.00 pm Solemn Easter Vigil Liturgy
SUNDAY 27 March – Easter Sunday
7.00 am Eucharist
8.00 am Sung Eucharist with Confirmation
10.00 am Orchestral Eucharist with Procession
6.00 pm Festal Evensong