The readings and Preachers for Evening Prayer are:
Lent 1 (9 March) – John 6:25-40 Bread of Life
Archdeacon Sonia Roulston
Lent 2 (16 March) – John 8:12-20 Light of the World
Canon David Battrick
Lent 3 (23 March) – John 10:1-18 Door/Good Shepherd
Canon Katherine Bowyer
Lent 4 (30 March) – John 11:17-27 Resurrection/Life
Canon David Battrick
Lent 5 (6 April) – John 14:1-7 Way, Truth, Life
Rev’d Murray Woolnough
Passion Sunday of the Palms (13 April) – John 15:1-17 True Vine
Bishop Peter