Quiet Mornings of Reflection 2015

Being quiet and reflective is part of a Christian’s vocation, duty and joy. We are to “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10), indeed we might never know that God is God until we are still, quiet, attentive and listening in a way we have done for a while. This is hard to do because we are not only busy, but have got used to our busyness and often wear it as an emblem of how busy we are about God’s business.

The Cathedral has provided a number of days each year where we can be quiet and at ease in God’s presence. They were begun by Dean James Rigney in 2009 and will continue this year under the direction of Fr. Glen Hughes and Fr. Roger Sharr. Glen is the Supervising Priest of Merriwa and Murrurundi and Area Dean of the Upper Hunter and Roger is the former parish priest of St. James’ Morpeth and has recently retired. He is doing a Ph.D. at the University of Sydney. Download brochure


10.00am Gather in the Warrior’s chapel

10.15am First Address

11.00am Second Address

12.00pm Angelus and final address

12.30pm Eucharist


Participants may pray in the Cathedral itself and throughout the grounds. All the alarms will be turned off for the duration of the Quiet morning.


Saturday 14th February

Valentine, Love and God

On the day the world celebrates “love”, we look again at how the Christian disciple is called to the love of God and neighbour, and how love functions as the fuel of our faith.

Saturday 14th March

Songs of Life 1

The Psalms are songs about the life of the faithful; its joys, sorrows, successes and failures, and seeing the world with the companion, God. In the midst of Lent, we examine some of the penitential Psalms to hear their wisdom on living the journey of faith.

Saturday 11th April

The Spirituality of the Bush

A glimpse into the spiritual life and practice of Anglicans living inland, and how this has shaped new ways of being faithful.

Saturday 9th May

Songs of Life 2

In the season of Easter, we turn again to the Psalms for wisdom on celebrating the love and generosity of God.

Saturday 13th June

The Spirituality of St. Antony

As we celebrate St. Antony’s day, we examine his life and teaching to inform our own journey of faith.

Saturday 11th July

Faerie Stories: Wonder, Danger and God

Why do children enjoy being frightened when they know they’re safe? And why does our culture hunger for Myth? The Lord of the Rings is about the “other world” of Middle Earth … which is really our world in disguise. This is a morning to ponder the place of fantasy in our lives.

Saturday 8th August – No Meeting (Roger in Canberra)

Saturday 19th September

The Spirituality of Charles Causely

Charles Causley was a poet, schoolmaster, writer and a devout Anglican. His work is noted for its simplicity and directness and for its associations with folklore, especially when linked to his native Cornwall. His poetry has helped
many people pray. It may help us.

Saturday 10th October

St. John Fischer: Martyrdom and Christian Hope

Our Martyrology now has many non-Anglican saints – Oscar Romero, Elizabeth Fry, John XXIII. Today we look at John Fischer, whose dying under Henry VIII, renewed the Church.

Saturday 14th November

Art and Prayer

Have you ever known what to say to God, or how to get the words right? Some people pray better with pictures and let the words look after themselves.