Friends of Newcastle Cathedral Music

The Friends of Newcastle Cathedral Music exist to provide practical and financial support to the music programme of the Cathedral – including the Cathedral Choirs, Organists and Christ Church Camerata, regular concerts, orchestral masses and special music events, as well as assisting with significant maintenance projects of the Cathedral’s piano and organ. The Friends consist of Cathedral parishioners, visitors, former choristers, and those with an interest in maintaining the Cathedral’s fine tradition of music within this Cathedral Church, Diocese and City.

In recent years The Friends have successfully fundraised to ensure the continuation of the Cathedral scholarship programme, the addition of a digital 32’ rank for the Cathedral Organ, the purchase of a new digital organ for rehearsals, the purchase of new music and robes for the choir, and to support our younger choristers in attending church music summer schools and to further their study in church music. The Friends play an important role in continuing the musical life of this Cathedral, and supporting the development of young musicians.

By becoming a Friend of Newcastle Cathedral Music, you are supporting one of the longest serving musical traditions in the city of Newcastle and the Hunter Region. You are also helping to maintain a tradition firmly entrenched in the finest of the Cathedral choral tradition, but one that also seeks to expand and embrace what traditional Cathedral worship might look like from our twenty-first century, Australian perspective. You are helping to maintain the standard of music produced in our Diocese and City, but most importantly, you are supporting the ministry and outreach of this Cathedral, as it seeks to proclaim the gospel within the community. Beyond your membership fee, donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

For information regarding becoming a Friend of Newcastle Cathedral Music, email