The hymn festival is an opportunity to join the choir to sing favourite hymns and to listen to some anthems.
No entrance fee. There will be a raffle to raise funds for the Cathedral. Tickets $2 each.
This is a lovely opportunity to bring friends to the Cathedral, especially any who are housebound or find it difficult to come to early services. Enquiries 4929 2052
Among those favourite congregational hymns will be: O praise ye the Lord; Let all the world in every corner sing; Come down, O Love divine; And can it be; Dear Lord and Father of mankind; I heard the voice; Love Divine, all loves excelling; Guide me o thou great Redeemer; Lord enthroned in heavenly splendour; Thine be the glory.
Thanks to Peter Guy for directing this event, to the Choir for their support, to those who have promoted it and to our sponsors who have provided raffle prizes: Crowne Plaza, Newcastle; Newcastle artist, Jane Parkes; Peschar’s Vineyards; the Christ Church Camerata and the Cathedral Shop.