Children and families – Come and join us at Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle!

First Saturday of the month 5pm to 6pm
An informal communion service for families with Bible messages, craft, songs and a meal. If you are able please bring a plate to share.
An informal communion service for families with Bible messages, craft, songs and a meal. If you are able please bring a plate to share.
Newcastle Cathedral mainly music is on every Thursday at 10.00am (during school term).
mainly music is a fun music group for children aged 0 to 5 years and their parents or carers. Please contact Jenny on 49611260 if you are interested or come and visit us on Thursday morning in the Cathedral. Our last session for term 1 is on 11 April and we are back in term 2 on 2nd May.
More information
St Nicholas Choir – Fridays during school term 4pm to 5pm Free accredited musical training for children 8 to 14 years. The choir sings at several services and weddings throughout the year. No audition necessary! Contact director of music Peter Guy on 0419 239 818 or email:
2-4pm over three days during the school holidays
Three days of fun with craft, music, stories, games and afternoon tea, run by an accredited team. For kids from Kinder to Yr6.
Three days of fun with craft, music, stories, games and afternoon tea, run by an accredited team. For kids from Kinder to Yr6.