Cathedral Hymn Festival 2012 Sunday 18 November at 3pm

The hymn festival is an opportunity to join the cathedral choir to sing favourite hymns and to listen to some anthems. There is no entrance fee to the hymn festival. There will be a raffle during the afternoon to raise funds for the Cathedral Restoration Fund.
This is a wonderful opportunity to bring congregation, friends and family to the Cathedral, especially any who are housebound or find it difficult to come to early services and is a great afternoon out with the Cathedral Choir. Learn about the background to the hymns and their writers and composers, enjoy the company of other hymn buffs, rejoice in glorious song with the Diocesan family.
You are invited to nominate your favourite hymns, either by emailing  your favourites to Peter Guy or by using the forms available at the back of the cathedral, which should be placed in the large grey wall safe at the left of the great West Doors.

Enquiries to Peter Guy, Master of Choristers and Organist,