ABM is collecting donations on behalf of The Nippon Sei Ko Kai (NSKK), the Anglican Church in Japan. These funds will be used to support the Appeal by the Primate of Japan, the Most Rev’d Nathaniel Makoto Uematsu. No administration costs will be deducted from this appeal by ABM. Donations can be made through the website (https://secure.donman.net.au/client/abm/abm.asp), by contacting ABM office on 1300 302663 or Sydney 9264 1021 or by emailing info@abm.asn.au. Cheques made out to the Anglican Board of Mission with a note stating the donation is for the Special Appeal for Japan can also be sent to Anglican Board of Mission, Locked Bag Q4005 QUEEN VICTORIA BUILDING NSW 1230. Please write that your parish is Newcastle Christ Church Cathedral and your donation will count towards our Mission Target. This appeal is not tax-deductible as it is not for relief in a developing country.